Monday, November 12, 2018

Delhi air improves to 'very poor'; non-CNG vehicles may be banned 

Delhi's air quality was 'severe' on Monday as the pollution level increased due to unfavourable meteorological conditions.

Delhi's air quality continued to suffer as SAFAR recorded the capital's air quality index at a 'very poor' 397 on Tuesday morning.

CPCB recorded the same as 402 and 'severe'.

An AQI between 0 and 50 is considered "good", 51 and 100 "satisfactory", 101 and 200 "moderate", 201 and 300 "poor", 301 and 400 "very poor", and 401 and 500 "severe".

Delhi's air quality turned 'severe' Monday as the pollution level increased due to unfavourable meteorological conditions, even as the Supreme Court-appointed EPCA directed authorities to allow construction only during the daytime and not charge toll from heavy vehicles stationed at Delhi border.

The Environment Pollution Control Authority (EPCA) Monday warned that if the air quality in Delhi continues to deteriorate then it would impose a complete ban on the use of non-CNG private as well as commercial vehicles.

The Supreme-Court appointed EPCA also allowed entry of only those vehicles into the city which are stranded at Delhi borders, anticipating the situation getting out of hand with the owners of over a 1,000 trucks getting "restive", while asserting that they will be exempt from paying toll or Environment Compensation Charge (ECC) from 11 pm on November 12 to 7 am on November 13.

They said by relaxing the payment of toll-ECC, the trucks can move without any stop and this will reduce congestion and reduce pollution.

The EPCA, however, stated that "no new trucks" will be allowed to enter the national capital in the wake of the deteriorating air quality.

He also permitted construction activities only during the daytime from 6 AM to 6 PM due to poor dispersion of pollutants at night.

Meanwhile, Delhi's Environment Minister Imran Hussain called a meeting with authorities and asked them to control local sources of pollution.
Environment Protection Control Authority (EPCA) Chairman Bhure Lal, in a letter to the chief secretary of Delhi, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh said the vehicle sticker has not been implemented and without this it was not possible to distinguish between diesel and other fuelled vehicles.

"In the scenario that the weather remains adverse and that the current situation of air quality remains in 'very poor' or 'severe category' then there is no option but to direct for a complete stop on the use of private and commercial vehicles other than those plying on CNG so that pollution can be contained," Lal said in the letter.

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