Wednesday, April 17, 2019

TikTok alarm: Govt to directly approach Google, Apple to spike such apps

Govt decides to directly approach Google, Apple to spike such apps.

It is open season on all short video services as well as social media apps, which, according to the government and the judiciary, are supplying inappropriate content.

While those who support freedom of internet on Wednesday criticised banning of TikTok from Google and Apple stores as an infringement of right to choose, sources in the government said the steps were taken only after repeated warnings on weeding out foul content fell on deaf ears.

The road ahead is going to be a tough one for TikTok and other similar apps as now the government is directly working with both Apple and Google to ensure they do not get any further downloads.

The government at the moment may not be able to stop the already existing users from posting on the app but it has ensured that they do not get any further downloads. The decision to ban TikTok was taken only after repeated requests to take down objectionable content did not get the desired results. Videos of young children and other similar content was still available on their portal,” said a senior official in the IT ministry.

According to IT ministry officials, misuse of these portals has been immense, given their popularity in the smaller cities and towns. Many have become acquainted with technology in those areas in the recent past. Hence their susceptibility to organised online porn networks or fake news is thought to be more “Children as young as 10 are posting videos and there is no one to moderate them,” said an IT ministry official.

According to industry experts, essentially, there is an obligation on all service providers to ensure there is no illegal content on their servers or app according to the IT Act and TikTok was banned on basis of obscene content, which was prohibited under section 67 of the IT Act.

While the order does set a precedent, it does not directly affect other similar apps as the relief sought was specific to TikTok. Right to free speech is not absolute and is subject to public order, morality. Though the order does set a precedent, all future cases shall be decided on a case-to-case basis and individual facts,” said Salman Waris, managing partner at TechLegis Advocates & Solicitors.

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